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Wednesday, 1 December 2010

JYC 2010 - 1st Decemeber

 JYC Declarations - Welcome to 1st December 2010!

I am following Shimelle's 'Journal Your Christmas' project again this year.

On 1st December I always remember my grandmother, Winifred May Holder nee Humm as this was her birthday. She was born in 1900, so was always the same age as the century during the 20th century. Sadly she died in December 1974, when I was 14, but I remember her very well.
December will be different this year as the children are away at university and so no longer at home  However they will return later in the month (weather permitting!) for a few weeks over Christmas and new year.

Starting today I intend to blog daily following the prompts, and where possible use various crafts to illustrate my entries. Some of these will be scrapbook pages, others will be decorations, cards and calendars etc.


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