Today is the fourth day of the colour workshop and this morning Shimelle posted a selection of her lay outs in a range of rainbow colours. This prompted me to look back through my albums at some old lay outs and select one for each colour of the rainbow too.
The challenge for today is to make a project with one of the combinations explained in the science / magic of colour combinations bit. I decided to be brave and go for the Split Complementary Combination and this is what I got for my colour spin based on this theory today.

These colours remind me of a range of papers by Basic Grey called Euphoria, so I will rummage through my papers tomorrow and see what I can find.
Here is the layout I made using the papers selected: DD back stage at The Terrace Theatre, Long Beach CA.

Then I made another one of the same occasion same paper range but a different photograph, showing Lisa and Catherine together:

Lovely as always Lynn.