I recently learnt about
Read It Swap It (a site where you can swap the books you don't want, for the books that you do), from my friend Karen She put up a photograph on her 365 photos
blog which drew my attention to the site. Like Karen I love reading, and buy a lot of books. My children and parents are also great book worms. Between us we have more books than I would care to count!!
Most books we buy get read by several family members and friends. What do you do with them after everyone you know has finished with them? Usually we keep them, thinking we will read them again, but we rarely do. Recently I have tried to sell books on
Amazon, but it often it costs more to post than you actually get for the book! Many books we have finished with I pass on to charity shops. I would never throw a book away. I will always find someone who would enjoy it, or just store it at home!!
I have a book about tracing our ancestors on the way to me, as well as several books both my daughters need for school. All it's coating me is the price of posting to the
swapper. The books may be used but perfectly readable. I get one less unwanted book on my shelf and gain one which will be used, by me and my family and friends. It's good fun too!
I only signed up earlier this week, and this weekend get around to uploading details of some books I no longer need. I could not believe the response, and have agreed swaps for seven books, which are all packaged up and ready to post tomorrow morning.

My book case certainly has some space in it now - well until the replacements arrive!!
Learn Something New EverydayToday or this weekend, I learnt I can swap books once read rather than buy new all the time. I have been able to track down books my children need for their studies, for the price of an old book I no longer wish to keep.