Thanks to Liz for awarding me with this Creative Blogger Award. What a lovely idea.
I now have to list 7 crafty things I have done. So here goes:
I now have to list 7 crafty things I have done. So here goes:
1. Scrapbooking has got to be my top choice of crafty things I do.
2. Card making comes a close second. I never buy greetings cards for anyone any more - everyone has to suffer my hand made creations!
3. Knitting has taken on a bit of a revival for me at present. I did lots of knitting from about 16 years of age well into the 1980's, since when it has been a bit less frequent. My latest knitting creations being my cupcakes.
4. Dressmaking has always been a big interest for me and I have had my money's worth out of the sewing machine I got on hire purchase from Alders in Bromley with my first wages all those years ago!
5. I started cross stitch when my babies were born and this became a bit of an addiction for some years, especially when they were small. Not much room on the walls for anymore cross stitch pictures now.
6. I have made small items and blankets in crochet, but I prefer knitting. I refreshed the my knowledge of crochet recently when my daughter wanted to learn. I remembered enough to help her with all the stitches. We created some flowers, and she went on to make other items.
7. I have been creating my family tree with the help of Genes Reunited I have been interested in tracing my family's history for some time and collecting photos and information. Just over a year ago I finally got around to making sense of it all and recording it. I combine this with my scrapbooking, by making layouts of the lovely old photos and memories.
Thanks for the award Lynn - off to try and come up with 7 crafty things I've done.