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Saturday, 10 April 2010

Have Your Cake

... but don't eat it!!

I made these calorie free treats for my friends at Debden this weekend. Thought they would make great novelty pin cushions. So I have sent away for some novelty pins too.

I started out by doing a search of the Internet to find patterns and purchased a few downloads. This gave me a few different ideas to work from. Some of these are Julie Williams who has a delightful blog called Little Cotton Rabbit. Julie's instructions refer to some video clips for techniques. I mainly used Julie's patterns.

If you like butterfly cakes, CakesKnitsandCosies includes these in her instructions, along with cup cakes and currant buns. Tess Young instructs on swirl cupcakes. Norma Lynn Hood makes crochet cake sachets. Alison Young also makes knitted cakes in many varieties. Please contact me for further links.

The whole collection!!


  1. And yummy they are too.
    Well done Lynn, totally original idea, love it, Thank-You.

  2. These are sooooo gorgeous Lynn...and guilt free too lol, I absolutely love mine, thank you so much Hun. You are far too talented!...xxxx

  3. Such a novel idea Lynn - I'm bringing mine into work so people will think its real and also think it was me who was so clever!! Where you get the time and patience, I'll never know. Thank you again for mine. xxx


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