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Saturday, 20 September 2014

52 Christmas Crackers 2014 - Week 37

Here is the Christmas version of the week 37 challenge - This week was a colour prompt - such beautiful shades - We didn't have to match the shades perfectly, just try to use each colour in our project in some way. Please see Kool Kitty Musings Blofor details of the challenge.

Here is the colour prompt again as a reminder:

I used:
Patterned papers & number stickers - Basic Grey - Fruitcake
Cricut and Jolly Holidays Cartridge
Flat-backed pearls
Cardstock - Bazzill
Distress Ink

Thanks for looking
Now to make this weeks cards!
Can't believe we are in week 38 of 2014 already!
Lynn x

1 comment:

  1. A great take on the colour prompt - in fact a great round-up of cards in your blog posts from the past few prompts. :) Can you believe we're almost in week 40?


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