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Friday, 3 September 2010

Forget me not!

When I made a memory box for my sister in law back in June, she asked me to make another. Again I was hunting for a suitable box to alter and Linda said she had another similar box I could have (thanks Linda). Barbara's instructions were that she wanted 'Forget me not' on the top of the box, split into four short words for, get, me & not. So I set to work with my Basic Grey Wisteria collection pack, and this is what I came up with. The wings are very glittery, but you can't really see this from the photo. Think I still prefer the first one I made, but everyone who has seen it likes it, I just hope Barbara and the friend who is receiving it like it too.

The original box


  1. Thatis so pretty Lynn, I remember you doing the first one....gorgeous!.xx

  2. I am sure it was very well received, Lynn - it is a great idea, and very pretty! :)


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