We decided to go out to Chillisford and take a look at St Peter's Church. It is a lovely place for taking photographs. It was a very wild and windy day, but stayed dry.

Learn Something New Every Day

The best photographs of me are taken when I'm totally unaware they are being taken. I'm hopeless at posing for a photo! The first two were taken at Chillisford and the last one was emailed to me by my SIL, she took it at Heather's house the other day when I was in the garden with Hannah.

It may only be 3rd September, and the sun may be shining, but it's very windy, and I would have been better wearing closed in shoes for our outing today. My feet got chilly and so did the rest of me. When we went out in the evening I changed into socks and trainers. Thing is I love wearing open shoes and hang on to them as long as I can before giving in and going into closed shoes for the winter. A true sign that autumn is on the way!

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